15. pro 2012.

Treća radionica / Third workshop!

Pogledajte kako se razvijala treća radionica i izložba nastalih radova koja se održala u Klubu Studentskog Centra, Zagreb u sklopu 8.Velesajma kulture.
Check out how the second workshop and the exhibition went in the Students Centre Club, Zagreb - during the 8th Culture fair!

Radovi / Works!

Jelena Kašić

Ovi radovi nastali su na C.R.T.I. održanoj u sklopu 8.Velesajma kulture u Klubu Studentskog centra u Zagrebu!
Hvala svim sudionicima na trudu... bilo je lijepo surađivati!


And these are works made during the 8th Culture fair in Students centre Club in Zagreb! 
Thanks to all the participants for their effort... it was a pleasure to work with you guys

* Click on photo to enlarge!

Ana Ratković

Dominik Vuković

Ena Jurov

Andrea Resner

Ivan Marković

Ivan Prerad

Miron Milić

Željana Jurković

Jelena Bando

Ružica Dobranić

Damir Sobota

Melinda Šefčić

Dina Karadžić

Petra Zlonoga

Vanja Trobić

Luana Brhanić

Mario Udženija

Mario Romoda